The world of digital marketing has been emerging at a phenomenal pace. Constantly evolving technologies are transforming not just how we interact and communicate, but how we select and buy products and services. Technology, through the ages, had a significant impact on marketers. But, yeah, marketing is not about technology, rather it is about people and their behaviors.
2016 will soon be the part of history. However, it would leave behind many digital marketing trends that have been experimented and used by thousands of marketers around the globe. Some of the modern marketing trends, such as the use of social media channels to nourish an idea or a business, are likely to stay relevant in the coming years.
Let’s talk something about the facts and figures before we discuss the prevailing digital marketing trends. The world has more than three billion people who have the internet access. And we all know how the internet reshapes lives and changes consumer behavior. The internet has totally redefined the way people buy products and services, and at the same time, it has been changing the way people sell products and services. Now, let’s move forward and discuss some of the megatrends in digital marketing that businesses need in order to stay competitive.
Trust building and engagement process
I am sure you have heard a lot about social media and its application in marketing processes. Before the arrival of social media or modern communication technology, there was no platform where a business could engage with its customers and use their opinions, criticism, and feedbacks to improve decision-making process.
Social media trends, nowadays, directly influence the consumer purchase behavior and trust building process. A digital marketer is supposed to pay keen attention to the changes in consumer use of digital media and technology as it plays a central role in understanding digital marketing.
Mobile app marketing
Popularity graph of mobile devices is on the rise. This growing trend has given birth to the idea of app-marketing. Users now rely more on business apps rather than websites. Mobile marketing offers a great opportunity to business owners and app developers to excel. I am sure you are well aware of the recently introduced feature that allows Google users to access the functionality of an app within SERPs. This feature is named as app streaming. That is why businesses have been focusing more on developing apps for marketing purposes.
Search engine marketing
Search engine marketing is now a fairly old concept. However, it has not lost its relevance and is expected to stay relevant in coming years. Most of the businesses understand the significance of SEO and pay-per-click or organic and paid search. The number of mobile users worldwide will expectedly increase up to 5 billion. The latest trend is to optimize web presence, including search engine marketing, for mobile devices.
Marketing automation
Artificial Intelligence has been serving businesses like never before. One of the recent trends in marketing is to automate marketing processes through software. Marketers and marketing departments have to repeat certain tasks associated with websites, social media and emails. The purpose of marketing automation is to perform those tasks in a seamless manner. It helps you scale your marketing efforts.
Continuously evolving technology, I am sure, would bring in more sophisticated marketing tools and techniques in 2017 and so on. The key to success is to observe change and adapt.